The 8 came home yesterday! I feel the project is complete and time to move on the next big project! I've been itching to start it but needed to wait until the 8 got painted for closure on it. The new guy is a Secret so don't pester me. I haven't told you up 'til now an am not going to cave in ;-)
The Expedition made a 'very bad' metallic, mechanical/engine sound on the way home from the airport and died in the middle of the busy road. It had to be towed to a Ford dealer. After only 143K miles of the easy life which didn't include towing or heavy loads on the "much ballyhood" Triton 5.4 liter V8, it let go internally and froze up! Dealer says engine needs to just be replaced. I was reminded that Ford stood for Found On Road Dead. Perfect. Good thing we had the next car picked out anyway. It's a Honda. I should have stuck with a Honda when I got the Ford. I went against my better judgement at the time and part of the rationalization was "Heck, with that big V8, it should last 20 years". Ha, jokes on me. The Accord that was "old" when I got the Ford is still alive and well and has 173K miles on it and doesn't make any of the aggravating squeeks and other noised the Ford was making lately. How do they stay in business?
Nagel Grandparents are in town so they came out to New Garden to take a look at the plane and there's a lot of family stuff going on like

Aaron's Confirmation and
Baptism today....so
here's some random photos from this week so far including one where my 4 month late Birthday cake is trying to singe my eyebrows off, our
EAA240 chapter breakfast and a picture

of Jim Russell who painted the plane and Rich
Zeidman who flew me down... Since Jackson's
birthday is in a couple of weeks we decided to
embarrass him too with a photo of him behind a cake but notice how he takes to it so well? Proof birthdays like your 16 one is a hell of a lot more fun than one like your 40 something one!