Heck, it was only 20 degrees with slight winds so with balmy conditions like that Christine and I headed to Lancaster airport so we could pay $265 to hangout on the ramp periodically running up the engine to hurricane force winds (talk about wind chill!) while patient Mark from Sensenich prop services fiddled with small weights on the starting ring. Before the balancing act there were times when I'd try to cruise at 23 squared but the noise and vibration just wasn't nice so I often cruised with settings above 2350. Well, after over an hour of tinkering between 2500 and 2300 RPM readings on his computer, we settled on minimizing the IPS at 2300 RPM and hit a home run. Below are the results on paper and on the flight home I cruised at 2300 squared and enjoyed it for the first time in this plane. What a difference. I think I could even start to tell the difference while taxiing but I definately could in the air. Glad I kept the only NYs resolution I've ever remember making! If you haven't done this yet to your homebuilt, DO IT SOON!
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